
Monday, April 2, 2012

New Hobby?

Maybe it's the fact I don't have an oven of school, which means I am incapable of cooking any amount of sweet and gooy goodness. Which in turns requires me to take all that restricted cooking energy and put it into full force come the weekend at home. Whatever it is, I have had major urges to bake over the weekend. I usually only get around to one thing that we have the ingredients for, but it always makes for relaxing afternoon spent baking. I used to be a terrible baker and cook, always forgetting an ingredient or substituting what I thought would work (and is never even close). But ever since pinterest came about, I find lots of easy, straightforward recipes, and I am on my way to becoming quite the little baker. Watch out world, just kidding, but really.  So I woke up friday morning, cleaned up the kitchen, did the dishes, and of course decided to bake after everything was clean. Couldn't find all the ingredients for 2 things I was wanting to make, so went ahead and stood in the pantry for a good 10 minutes, before I saw a box of yellow cake mix screaming out to me. I decided to make some cake batter cookies with chocolate chips, which let me tell you smells like a mix between an ice cream and cupcake shop.

Happy Monday!

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