
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What are you doing for spring break?

I keep getting asked this question, and while I feel my response is lame to them, I am quick and glad to say that I am spending it doing nothing and shopping with my mom.

If there is one thing I enjoy more than most things, It has to be moments with my mom. Maybe it's the fact I am the babygirl and I feel she cherishes the time with me just as much I do with her. Maybe it's that we have really gotten used to it being just us. With two sisters in two different cities, and one with a busy schedule, I am often left to be the only girl. It has been this way quite sometime now, but we've really grown accustomed to it (still always missing my sisters though.) So I look forward to every spring break where we take two or three days and escape off to Dallas, or Roundrock and we just shop and forget about any school or work plans. It is relaxing and really our specialty. Shopping with my mom is really our bonding time and I hope to never take it for granted but cherish it more with each time, and always hold the special time close to my heart.

So here's to two more classes standing between me and spring break. It felt weird to sit down tonight and really have nothing to do. I'm highly anticipating the week at home, it is always such a splendid little tease for summertime.

Happy Wednesday!

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